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Glenn Miller Park

I'm grateful for Glenn Miller Park, our well-maintained space in the center of town with a stage, a playground, lots of trees, and open grassy space. It's a great place for an interesting variety of events to take place. It's also immediately adjacent to the Fort Morgan Public Library, meaning it is a place our family is in and around quite frequently.

The picture above is from Bobstock, the annual music festival that drew an impressively big crowd last weekend, thanks to storm-free weather and a popular lineup. At the moment the picture was taken, things were gearing up for Three Dog Night. It was estimated that we had 12-15,000 people in town for the evening.

On the previous Sunday afternoon, this is where we were supposed to have our World Refugee Day event. Things were all set up. The camels were in place, the tacos and sambusas were in place, the t-shirts were in place, the bouncy houses were in place, the exhibitors and vendors were in place, and the music was playing. Then a nasty storm with high winds and small hail hit at the exact same time that things were supposed to be starting and DRENCHED everything.

Many people thought that would be the end of it. But it wasn't! We were fortunate to have an indoor space nearby that was already being used for an educational "pre-event" that we were able to move to. Despite some disappointment and pessimism among some of us, it turned out to be a lovely afternoon with dancing, free t-shirts, tacos and sambusas, and lots of great interactions. I especially loved the diverse mixture of people. What a blessing!

I look forward to more special times in the park.

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