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Local Outreach

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From the list of things I’m passionate about, church engagement and language learning are two great ones I’m able to engage with regularly here in Fort Morgan, Colorado. I’m convinced of their importance in relation to the blessings (and challenges) of our diverse cross-cultural community.

Before the summer began, I entered into conversations with a local pastor I’ve interacted with a fair bit about adding English lessons into the mixture of activities the church was planning to do in a particular housing community in town where they have been doing outreach for several years. I was involved with the church's activities last year too, but they didn't include anything related to language learning.

July is now almost over, and we have already wrapped up the six-week Wednesday evening outreach. The first week was especially busy because it was a fresh start and there was a fun train with free rides for the kids. The final week was also packed with attendees because of a potluck meal. But, despite the expected challenges with varying weather and a holiday, there was consistent interest throughout all six weeks. It was a fun ministry opportunity where my whole family could be present and involved.

My focus was almost exclusively on the English learning component. I was encouraged to have two people in particular who expressed serious interest in working on English and kept coming back. What’s incredibly encouraging is that my biggest hope (and prayer) was accomplished: We connected well with some “students” and, in the end, we were able to make long-term language learning plans for the two students with members of the church. Not with me - with the local church.

It was fun to get to know the male student a little bit. He’s from Guatemala, and English is the fourth language he has needed to learn. He was very easy going, even when communication was challenging and things were slightly awkward. He came even though his wife had a baby in late June and he had other children to stay attentive to. I have to say I’m a little bit jealous that I don’t get to be the one to work with him long-term, but I still have his phone number and hope to see him around.

Praise God for local church engagement and language learning. It’s a great adventure.

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